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Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Here we go again... We're sick like animals... We play pretend... You're just a cannibal... And I'm afraid I wont get out alive... No I won't sleep tonight...

Dear Mr Free Time,

It seems you and I have eluded each other once again this week. I guess this is due to me picking up the life of a 3rd year science student, member of dantai, having twice weekly study appointments, three times gym sessions and not to mentioned being a part time Pokemon trainer~ And that's not included the Saturday/Sunday pocky building project starting next week.

So anyway, just a short update on how I am. I'm not great, but still hanging on (barely). Currently, in the science library TRYING to complete my reports. I figured that I concentrate more at the library than in my room.

See I even brought my mouse and keyboard(cause it feels better to type on it) to the library. Plus, a cup of iced coffee (weather appropriate) to keep me fueled. Ignore the NDS in the picture. 

Anyway, yeah. Trying to finished 2 major reports (due in 5 days), study for a Japanese test coming up in 5 days, do a mini bio assignment due in 2 days. Hence, I am off Gym and Dantai sessions this week.

Anyway, other then that, I wish Japan the best with love after the latest disaster. 


  1. I've barely seen you (except in corridors) and I miss you :( Hope you can be around for lunch sometime next week - I am myself barely at uni these days (2 days a week if I'm lucky).

  2. Yeah, I miss you too Seb. Wow, only two days in uni? I don't know whether that's lucky for you or not. I hope to finish these stuff soon. That way, I can probably hang at the airport lounge more next week.
