"Welcome one and all to my page of randomness~ Please feel free to browse and leave comments. Hope you enjoy." XOXO Emma Sullen

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Now the suns coming up, just as you're coming down, god damn that girl's a train wreck....


Tonight is the last night of me staying in Melbourne and my dorm room. Sure my room has problems, from leaking roofs, broken doors and strangers waiting inside to rob you, but yeah...... I'll miss it. And my friends here in Melbourne. Seriously, I'll miss you guys. Hope you guys will still think of me though.

Moving on..... Yesterday I went to Chelsea beach with various special people. So woke up early, went to Caulfield and hitched a ride with Eloise. Had fun singing in the car. Great way to start out the day.

So basically we went swimming..... Throw some stuff around.... Dunk people in the water (DAMIEN IS JUST TOO FREAKIN TALL!!!!). And lay around in the sun. It was lovely.....

 Group picture~

 Me trying to annoy Jason after he INTENTIONALLY threw lots of sand towards me....

And yeah...... I enjoyed this part. Atleast I darken the faces.... It helps, right? *_*

Overall..... I'm so lucky I managed to go on one beach trip with you some of you guys. It was quite enjoyable, other than me getting sunburn...... My shoulders and face hurts T_T ...........


I'm laughing at this battle, watching boys and girls play games.

Since I haven't been updating a lot. Time to over compensate.....

MONDAY 15th Nov
Last exam. However.... it sucked.... well... maybe I was sucking it..... Anyway..... Was happy that it was finally over. I did my best. So there! Had lunch with Hannah and Bi at KFC Caulfield. Then head over to the library cause the two still have an exam after. Mwahahaha.... Actually... The interesting event started there. We got kicked out of the toilets because Bi was too loud. She was complaining about why the seats were wet and whether boys have been there or something about targeting. Yeah..... Not actually bathroom conversation there. But it was funny at that time. Seriously... A second event happened there with only Hannah and Bi present as I was busy guarding the table. but, I managed to hear the details. Bi went earlier to the bathroom and was taking a long time, so Hannah went to check on her. Then as she was seating down in a cubicle, she heard a lecture being played in the next cubicle and found out it was Bi. They came back and now we are still teasing her about her thinking that the lecturer's voice was so soothing and relaxing. Oh-ya! I definitely have to draw a comic scene about this~  

Tuesday 16th Nov
Nothing much happened..... Just packed my stuff and went for a walk around the lake and feed the ducks~ Then spend three hours with Hannah laughing about 'the marriage stone'. Like seriously, three hours of pure laughter.......

Just for you Hannah~

Wednesday 17th Nov
The big moving day. I HAD RENTED A CAR!!!!!!! To move Mine and Mark's stuff to the storage. So anyway..... Had Andrew, Christ and Hannah to help. Mark was surprisingly weak...... Ok, not that surprising..... Anyway. The highlights of the day was Mark's screaming and tears~ It was awesome.... AM I A SADIST? Anyway if you want more details of the torture of Mark Chin, please refer to either Andrew or Christ, most probably Christ as I may happened to "not have seen Mark" and almost running him over. *innocent* Ahhh..... Good times~

Thursday 18th Nov
 The day of the Picnic~ Started at a park in Clayton and moved to Celine's house. It was awesome! More than 50 people squeeze in the house with lots of fun included!

Can you guess how many people are in this picture?

 Look at my pretty Christmast card!!! I feel loved~

Anyway. Yeah. It was good seeing and connecting with people again. And the biscuits me and Hannah made from Coles, with the secret ingredient called money was a big hit~

Then.... came back home. Had dinner with Hannah. That night was our last dinner until next year as she was moving out that night, and not one hour later we missed each other greatly and had a psychic connection. I just left her a facebook comment on how I'm going to miss her and then seconds later she called and invited me over. So yeah. Wrote in her yearbook, help her move her stuff to her dad's car and gave her a goodbye hug. I miss her now!!!!!!! Which reminds me...... 'POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Friday 19th Nov

Basically had a karaoke night in the city for Aaron's not so surprised party! So yeah it was cool. Don't mind the pic, I wasnt bored or anything... it was a really bad photo. But my favorite moment was during singing 'Teenage dream' with Tali, Aaron, Seb and Tom. And also when I sang 'Evacuate the dancefloor' with Tom. Fun night~

Saturday 20th Nov
Then the next morning we went strawberry picking for Alex's birthday! It was one of the most awesome outing ever. Or maybe it was only me? Anyway.... I have lots of pictures of this outing~

I like party hats~

Onwards!!!!! It was really a beautiful day~

Look at the pretty strawberries that I collected~ They were delicious~

And this is me getting forced to frolic along....... But it was fun~

 I forgot the name of this heavenly thing. But I am so grateful that Alex's mom treated us to it. Usually I don't fancy strawberry ice-cream, but this was so very yummy~

 I think everybody enjoyed it too~

Then we headed back to Alex's house to help in the creation of strawberry syrup~

The squashing of the poor things....

 The strawberry massacre~

So yeah..... The syrup was good and the day will always be one of my greatest memory~

~The end~

Monday, 22 November 2010

Let's stop and rewind, the scene is so played out with alterior motives

Dear Bloggie.... It's been a while, huh?

I have been having my exams lately. And you know what that means..... Procastrination.

But I finished them now. Let me update you to what I've been up to....

Firstly, I am soooooo obsess with Invader Zim. The show is so damn hilarious.....  especially the ZADR moments. Ex:THE DIB! THE DIB! I DONT CARE HOW DELICIOUS HE IS! HE IS PURE EVIL!!!!  *Sigh* lovely moments indeed. So yeah... I've been drawing them. Well mostly Zim... Because he's alien form is easier to draw. I don't know who I have a crush more on, Zim or Dib. These were created during my exam period~

My first Zim was a bit too tall. but the Gimme is just precious.... And Dib is mysterious, kinda copied his pose from the opening song scene.  

And just to convince my self that I was studying, I kinda used zim to memorize the 5 freedom for research on animals for my SCI2010. Hehehehe...... Hannah said that I just used this excuse to draw more without feeling guilty. So quoted by her 'Seriously.... You don't need to draw this to remember just these 5 rules of freedom'. So yeah.... She might be right.....

I have no excuse to draw chibi Squalo and Xanxus though..... Oh! Now I remember the reason..... I watched a parody of Squalo singing to Xanxus and then headed over to FFN, then my hand itched to drew them. 
 Chibi Squalo and Xanxus~


Other then that have been studying a lot. I think I spent most of my time in the library again. Oh! I did go to Eloise's Halloween thinggy~


All for now~